Hamburg Schanzen-Quarter. Genre: Social Documentary Photography.

Social documentary photography: meaning, origin & history

What is social documentary photography, what does it do?

Illegale Sprayer

Graffiti sprayers – balancing act between art and vandalism

In April 2015, the two graffiti sprayers from the Ruhr…

Preview zur Reportage “Illegale Sprayer in Gelsenkirchen”.

Preview of the report “Illegal Sprayers in Gelsenkirchen”.

A not entirely unadventurous challenge was the creation…


International group exhibition in Qatif – Saudi Arabia

Photographers from all over the world exhibited…

Sei wie du Dich fühlst

Press report on the photo project “Be how you feel” in Gelsenkirchen

An exhibition far removed from the selfie mentality and commercial…

Leeres Ladenlokal wird zur Galerie

Empty shop becomes a gallery – WAZ exhibition report

A Touch of Berlin: Press Coverage of the Exhibition