Teaser Kunstpukte Special

Kunstpunkt 158: Exhibition FORST belongs to the Specials of this year’s Kunstpunkte in Düsseldorf

We are very happy that the exhibition FORST belongs to this year’s Specials of the Düsseldorfer Kunstpunkte 2016…

Portfolio Review

Free portfolio review for young people

As part of the Kunstpunkte, Thomas Klingberg offers young photography enthusiasts a free portfolio assessment.

Sozialdokumentarische Fotografie von Thomas Klingberg

Kunstpunkte 2016: Exhibition of the documentation “Forst” in September

In September 2016 Thomas Klingberg presents his photographic social documentary “Forst” in Düsseldorf…

Berliner Woche

Berliner Woche: Poetic View of the Everyday

Press article about the art project “Poesie und Alltag” (Poetry and Everyday Life)


Radio podcast “Poetry and Everyday Life” on Austria1

Auguste von Blau talks about our project “Poetry and Everyday Life” in the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (Österreichischer Rundfunk)

The violinist and the photographer

Poetry and everyday life. Fragmented exhibition in public space

The violinist and the photographer. From the project Words/Pictures/Dialogues – Fragmented Exhibition in Public Space