Fotografievermittlung in Düsseldorf

Free portfolio review for young people

As part of his exhibition FORST in September 2016, the documentary photographer Thomas Klingberg offers all photography enthusiasts between the ages of 14 and 18 a free written portfolio evaluation.


The portfolio must contain 10 photographs
– 3 Portraits (no Selfies)
– 3 Landscape/nature pictures
– 4 photos without thematic specification

as well as a short self-description with the following information:
– Name, Age
– Equipment (camera(s) or mobile phone, image processing)
– A few sentences about what is preferred to be photographed

The portfolio also contains
– an email address for sending the assessment text
– possibly a link to a blog/other photos/Instagram

Important: Only submissions that meet the above criteria will be considered! Do not hand in CDs or memory cards! The photographs must be printed and submitted in the form of a folder. No photo collages. No artworks or alienated photographs. Each page of the folder contains one photograph. The photos should have a minimum format of 15x10cm and a maximum format of 30x20cm. The folder itself does not have to be of high quality. A folder with one sheet of paper per photo also does the trick. There are no limits to your creativity. However, the purely photographic work is judged!

Young people who do not have sufficient financial means to produce a photo folder, but who have photographic talent and wish to have their photographic work evaluated, please contact me via contact form!

The folders can be handed in within the exhibition FORST, namely
-> Saturday, 10 September between 14:00 and 18:00
-> Sunday, 11 September between 12:00 and 18:00.

Dispensing location:
Ellerkirchstraße 80

There will be no return shipment. The folders can, however, be picked up at the delivery point after they have been assessed.

The assessment is made within 3 to 6 weeks, depending on the level of request.

This article was posted on August 8, 2016