The workshop participant Sabrina Lange photographed her colleague at the sewing machine in the ” Textile Upcycling” factory area, where new products are created from clothing donations or defective clothing is sewn and resold in fair houses.
Everyone Is A Photographer
Ambitious photographers will be exhibiting photographic works at Kunstpunkte 2019 in Düsseldorf in September
In September the exhibition “Everyone Is A Photographer” will take place as part of the Kunstpunkte 2019 in Düsseldorf. Employees from the “Textile Upcycling” department of the employment and qualification company renatec will be working on a photographic documentation as part of a photo workshop, which will describe their everyday work, the various work processes and their working environment in visual terms. The creation of the photographs and the post-processing are all done with the smartphone.
A new insight into the accustomed sphere of activity
The workshop was not about creating the “technically perfect photograph”, but rather about gaining an alternative view of one’s own working environment with the help of the medium of photography, for example by approaching one’s own perception from an artistic-aesthetic point of view by accentuating it.

Photography as cultural technique
The Düsseldorf documentary photographer and workshop leader Thomas Klingberg sees photography as a cultural technique that is available to anyone and everyone since the spread of smartphones to be able to express themselves artistically. “You don’t have to own a particularly expensive or good fountain pen to cultivate your writing style. In our workshop, the art lies in the limitation of means. It’s mainly about learning a technique and thus developing the ability to artistically bring the inside out and make it visible, using the means at hand.”
Create sophisticated photos with your smartphone
Photographic work is carried out exclusively with the “tool” smartphone. There are several reasons for this: Firstly, not all participants have a professional camera, and what they have learned should continue to be implemented after the workshop with the available technical means. In addition, the focus will be on photographic vision and conscious photography as well as storytelling and the development of one’s own artistic expression – and not just the creation of technically sophisticated photographic images.
Talking about oneself
The participants of the workshop should not simply learn to photograph dead objects technically well. The aim is to develop a lively photographic series within a defined thematic area in an artistically appealing way, in which the participants also tell a lot about themselves.
Exhibition in the PLUP – “Planet Upcycling”
Annekathrin and Frank Metzler provide the PLUP (Planet Upcycling) for the presentation of the photographs, a creative and meeting space for ecologically sustainable upcycling products in Flingern. Those who are fundamentally interested in the topic of upcycling will find valuable exchange and inspiration here on the exhibition days and beyond.
Christina Burchartz
Sabine Heidenreich
Sabrina Lange
Jacinta Ngina
Everyone Is A Photographer
Photo exhibition as part of the Kunstpunkte Duesseldorf
Place: PLUP – Planet Upcycling
Ackerstraße 168b, Duesseldorf-Flingern
Opening: 21 September 2019, 14:00 hrs
This article was posted on May 11, 2019