Homeless Man on the Bank of the Rhine in DüsseldorfHomeless Man on the Bank of the Rhine in Düsseldorf

Girl with her mother in a childhood cancer clinic in Moscow.Photo: Thomas Klingberg Genre 1: Documentary photography Genre 2: Social documentary photographyFrom the documentation MOSCOW STUDY

In 2015 the Christopher Street Day took place for the first time in a Catholic church (Josephskapelle) in Düsseldorf.

Reinhold Adam, former councillor on the Gelsenkirchen City Council, at the opening of a local exhibition on football in Gelsenkirchen

Lantern 136, Berlin Tiergarten. Blessed are those who are missing and not unaccounted for. Síofra McSherry was found missing in Berlin.

From the photobook "Gelsenkirchen beyond football". Here you can find more information about the publication